Memorials - OLD

The Book of Memories

The Book of Memories™ Memorial Website is a fully-interactive archive of treasured photographs and stories.

You'll be able to invite others to visit the online memorial, where they can upload images, light a virtual memorial candle, send a sympathy card, share stories, write heart-felt messages of condolence, or make a charitable donation in memory of your pet. And the built-in social media integration means they can then “spread the word” about their addition to your loved one’s Book of Memories™ using Facebook and Twitter.

We offer the families we serve a Book of Memories™ memorial website with the intention that it gives you a measure of solace and comfort during the coming months. To arrange for a Book of Memories® memorial website for your pet, call us today.

The Book of Memories acts as a quiet reminder of the finite nature of our pet's lives. Yet, for those who have recently experienced the death of a pet, the Book of Memories means so much more. It is a bittersweet reminder of all we've lost, but it can also help us to remember all we enjoyed while they were alive. If you have recently lost the pet you love, we hope that you will accept our condolences.
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